Dynamic messaging to help travelers find the best time to purchase airline tickets.
Inform travelers when a visa is required for their destination, based upon their nationality and citizenship configured within their profile.
Identifies hotels located near restaurants included in the Dinova dining program, and enables travelers registration in MyDinova.
Guides travelers towards appropriate spend for flights and hotels by calculating and displaying a spend target based upon search parameters company-preferred options.
Connects travelers to local events happening at their destination, providing a list of popular events perfect for solo or team travel and linking out to more details.
Easily identifies the most sustainable flight with every search, and shows travelers how much more efficient sustainable flights are, based upon their CO2 emissions.
International travel guidance and safety tips for LGBTQ+ and female travelers.
Provides travelers with helpful tips when traveling to company office locations; informing on directions from airport, access credentials, amenities, scheduling, EV charging, nearby attractions, and more.